Tom Reaoch and Guest Luciana Santucci. Listen or Download.

LA Talk Radio Talk 2 Brazil with Tom Reaoch

Luciana Santucci is a Brazilian lawyer, specializing in labor law and International Contracts, also completing her Master of Comparative Law Course International Arbitration at the Samford University, Alabama.

A Professor of law and the author of the book in Portuguese Assedio Moral no Trabalho ( Moral Harassement) – Editora Leidithati.

Program was live on Monday Aug 24. at 12 noon LA, 3 pm NY and 4 pm Sao Paulo.
LA Talk Radio Channel 2

Interview with Luciana Santucci

Luciana Santucci is a Brazilian lawyer, specializing in labor law and International Contracts, also completing her Master of Comparative Law Course International Arbitration at the Samford University, Alabama.

A Professor of law and the author of the book in Portuguese Assédio Moral no Trabalho ( Moral Harassement) – Editora Leidithati.

Listen live on Monday Aug 24. at 12 noon LA, 3 pm NY and 4 pm Sao Paulo.

LA Talk Radio Channel 2

Listen to Liliana Magon, Junior Achievement

Liliana Magon, Executive Director Junior Achievement Sao Paulo will also be part of Monday´s LA Talk Radio interview on the HP Global Business Challenge.
Live 12 noon PST, 3 pm EST, 4 pm Sao Paulo Channel 2.

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