Renata Thiebaut, COO Green Proposition, AI Ethics, China, UAE, India, Canada.


Joining us again is Renata Thiebaut, Operating Officer (COO) of Green Proposition.  Assists Governments & Brands to develop a strategy for E-commerce, Digital Transformation and more recently AI Policy and Ethics. 

Renata, our first interview in 2020 we talked about Opportunities Brazil and China, Green Proposition now has a footprint in United Arab Emirates, China, India and Canada and clients across the globe. What´s next?

Listen to "Renata Thiebaut, COO Green Proposition, AI Ethics, China, UAE, India, Canada" on Spreaker.

Alex Foessel, Market Technology Strategy Specialist, Pittsburgh, PA


Joining us today from Pittsburgh, PA, Alex Foessel, Managing Partner at Balanced Engineering, A market Technology Strategy Specialist, Ag Innovation and Off-road And Commercial Vehicle Automation Expert.

Alex, Thanks for being here again, the last time here you spoke about AI in Off the road equipment. There seems to be no end in the use of AI and Innovation, not only in equipment but in everything. AI in Agro is not only machines. Are we still at the beginning of the curve?

Listen to "Alex Foessel, Market Technology Strategy Specialist, Pittsburgh, PA" on Spreaker.

Daniel Bland, Founder, Fleet Mobility Today, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Daniel Bland, a Business Insight Specialist, Corporate Communication Communication and Founder of Fleet Mobility Today. An analyst and writer, tells us about Fleet Mobility Today as a communication channel for Corporate Fleet & Mobility management.

Listen to "Daniel Bland, Founder, Fleet Mobility Today, Sao Paulo, Brazil" on Spreaker.

Tiago Faria, Digital Business Mentor, Lisbon, Portugal


Talk 2 Brazil is a Leading Business Podcast talks with Business Experts throughout the world.

Today’s guest joining us from Lisbon Portugal is Tiago Faria, a Business Mentor and Anti-Marketer, helps online entrepreneurs turn small audiences into high profits, without complex marketing strategies. Tiago spent almost 8 years as an International Growth Consultant at Google in Dublin.

Tiago shares his Anti Marketing Method.

Find more about Tiago Faria on LinkedIn   and on

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Alex Foessel, Market Technology Strategy Specialist, Pittsburgh, PA

  Joining us today from Pittsburgh, PA, Alex Foessel, Managing Partner at Balanced Engineering , A market Technology Strategy Specialist, A...

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