Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Diego Remus, Editor Startupi Brazil

Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Diego Remus, a communications professional focused on social business strategy and tech innovation. Diego is editor-in-chief for Startupi a blog focused on the world of Brazilian Internet software startups. The Startupi objective is to encourage the internet startup market in Brazil by making news and information available to entrepreneurs and potential investors. Startupi is itself a startup and is funded by SocialSmart, a US-based venture fund focused on Latin America with emphasis on Brazil.

LISTEN to the interview with Diego Remus.

Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Mayara Fagundes, Executive producer of the Brazil Means Business Symposium

Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Mayara Fagundes, Executive producer of the Brazil Means Business Symposium, to be held in Amsterdam. This event is geared to Dutch and other EU region entrepreneurs, SMEs, and technology start-ups that would like to do business in Brazil. It counts with the support of the Brazilian Embassy in The Hague as well as private and public sector partners in Brazil and Holland.

Listen to the interview.

Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Dan Schawbel, Personal Branding Expert

Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Dan Schawbel, Personal Branding Expert, Author of the best selling career book Me 2.0 , founder of the Personal Branding Blog®, talks about latest post, Why Personal Branding is Essential for Networking and much more.

Talk 2 Brazil interviewed Dan Schawbel Personal Branding Expert live on LA Talk Radio 

Brought to you by Focus MI Market Intelligence and RC Invest Management Consulting

Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Sylvia Wachsner Organic Produce Specialist

Talk 2 Brazil Talk Radio guest Sylvia Wachsner, Born in Ecuador, studied at Harvard Business School, Director of SNA Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Head of the entity’s agribusiness incubator, the only one in Brazil focused in organic produce. Sylvia Wachsner is a Director Harvard Business School Club in Brazil, Board Member the Banco da Mulher, Rio de Janeiro , and has received the Uma das dez Mulheres do Ano (Top Ten Women) and Cidadão do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Citizen of the State of Rio de Janeiro) distinctions.

Listen to the Sylvia Wachsner interview 

Brought to you by Focus MI Market Intelligence  and RC Invest Management Consulting

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