Paulo Pontes, Senior Managing Director at Michael Page International, Brazil

Paulo Pontes, Senior Managing Director at Michael Page International, Brazil

 Paulo Pontes is currently  Senior Managing Director of the Brazilian Operations of Michael Page with 13 business units and 3 Companies; Page Personnel, Michael Page and Page Executive.
Listen to Tom Reaoch interview Paulo Pontes, PLAY or DOWNLOAD .
Recently Paulo Pontes made a presentation to the Business Affairs Committee at Amcham Campinas on Competitiveness in the Brazilian Human Resource and Labor Market and which he will share with the Talk 2 Brazil global audience.

Paulo was responsible for the Start Up of Michael Page Offices in Brazil and was the former Director of the Finance, Sales & Marketing Division at Michael Page and has been a Member of the Board of Michael Page Brazil since 2001.
His specialties are, Building Effective Teams, Dealing with Ambiguity, Conflict Management, Drive for Results, Motivation and principally a passion for helping others.

Salvador Raza, Director CeTRIS Technology, International Relations and Security Center

Salvador Raza, Director CeTRIS – Technology, International Relations and Security Center

The Brazil Defence Industry

Salvador Ghelfi Raza is Director General of CeTRIS – Technology, International Relations and Security Center, Coordinator of the International Relations FACAMP and Associate Professor of National Security Affairs at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies at the United States National Defense University (CHDS / NDU) in Washington, DC.
According to the magazine “Isto É”, “Salvador Ghelfi Raza is the only Brazilian working on the team hired by the Obama administration to propose a major reform in politics and also in the methods used by the United States worldwide. There are 30 Ph.Ds, the best brains in the world in security, defense and diplomacy analysis.
Listen to Tom Reaoch interview Salvador Raza on LA Talk Radio PLAY or DOWNLOAD

Raza has a doctorate in strategic studies from UFRJ with postdoctoral in defense studies at the National Defense University in Washington, where he teaches.
Internationally-acknowledged leading World expert in Defense Analysis & Policy Planning, Force Design and Strategy Formulation.  Author of four books and more than 50 articles and chapters. Advanced experience in conflict assessment, policy development, and logistics.

Julia Michaels, American Journalist and Founder of RioRealblog.

Julia Michaels, American Journalist and Founder of RioRealblog.

Julia Michaels, Journalist and Founder of RioRealblog.
Rio de Janeiro is undergoing a momentous transformation in the runup to the 2016 Olympics and the 2014 World Cup games. Recognizing this and identifying a need for bilingual evenhanded reporting on it, Julia Michaels quit her job in August 2010 as foreign non-fiction editor for a top Brazilian publishing house, and founded RioRealblog.
Listen to Tom Reaoch interview Julia Michaels: PLAY or DOWNLOAD 
The blog quickly became a go-to source for Brazilians and foreigners interested in public safety, politics, investment, public policy, urban planning, real estate, education, transportation, health care, culture and more. The blog is often replayed on several sites, including the Christian Science Monitor. Michaels has been featured on Fatima Bernardes' Encontros morning show, ESPN's Outside the Lines program, in Le Figaro's weekend magazine, and in the Washington Post, among other media.
Born and bred in Boston, Michaels is in a unique position to serve her readers, having spent 31 years in Brazil. With an M.A. in international relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International relations, she married a Brazilian and arrived in São Paulo in 1981, where she worked a decade as a freelance print journalist.
She reported for The Wall Street Journal, Advertising Age and The Christian Science Monitor, before turning to child-rearing and fiction in the 1990s. In 2000 she earned a low-residency MFA in literature and creative writing from Bennington College, going on to publish stories in the Ontario Review. After a divorce in 2005, she worked at Editora Objetiva, where she acquired Eat, Pray, Love and led its Portuguese translation to the Brazilian best-seller list, where it remained for several years.

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