Podcasts for Reputation Building, Marcelo Moraes, Vanessa Puerta

Talk 2 Brazil Podcast - The Business Connection

Today’s guests back with us again are Marcelo Moraes fellow member of the Future Advisroy Board at the Comercial and Industrial association of Campinas.
 Marcelo is a Brazilian, Digital Content Strategist, Marketing Executive, and a specialist in Business Transformation, Digital Transformation, Business Development, Marcelo is talking to us from his office in Toronto, Canada.
Marcelo is a participant at the Humber College Professional & Continuing Education School of Media Studies & Information Technology
Hello Marcelo and welcome back to Talk 2 Brazil.
And Vanessa Puerta, Organizational Communication | Intercultural Consultant and joins us from Sao Paulo. Vanessa has been on both Talk 2 Brazil Podcast and BBN Brasil in Portuguese
Hello Vanessa and welcome back.
Todays topic is Reputation Building for exectutives and companies and on previous podcasts we have touched on this in a number of different ways. Today I want to talk about Podcasts and how the serve for reputation building.

Listen to "Podcasts for Reputation Building, Marcelo Moraes, Vanessa Puerta" on Spreaker.

Digital Brand Storyteller, Eva Hsu, Founder Ripplr China

Talk 2 Brazil Podcast - The Business Connection

Today’s guest is EVA HSU, a Digital brand storyteller, Data architect & Founder  Ripplr specializing in Market Research and Strategy in China.
Eva has been a cross-culture storyteller since the age of 8. Having lived in the US as a child and later educated in Taiwan, the constant switch from English to Mandarin Chinese and vice versa has been part of her daily life. As an international business developer, her clients come from a variety of places: the US, Canada, France, Sweden, Finland, the UK, Singapore, China, as well as Brazil.
Eva joins us today from Shanghai.
Most people think of storytelling as something you tell children, but storytelling in business is much different tell us about what you do ans how you create your stories for clients.

Listen to "Digital Brand Storyteller, Eva Hsu, Founder Ripplr China" on Spreaker.

Brand Survival Canada, Marcelo Moraes, Digital Content Strategist

Talk 2 Brazil Podcast - The Business Connection

Today’s guest back with us again is Marcelo Moraes fellow member of the Future Advisroy Board at the Comercial and Industrial association of Campinas.
 Marcelo is a Brazilian, Digital Content Strategist, Marketing Executive, and a specialist in Business Transformation, Digital Transformation, Business Development, Marcelo is talking to us from his office in Toronto, Canada.
Marcelo is a participant at the Humber College Professional & Continuing Education School of Media Studies & Information Technology
Hello Marcelo and welcome back to Talk 2 Brazil.
Last time we talked in February we talked about your website Naked Brands where you say: How Brands can Thrive in a world where everyone is exposed.
How will Brands survive in the New Normal Post Covid-19. What do you see happening in Canada?

Listen to "Brand Survival Canada, Marcelo Moraes, Digital Content Strategist" on Spreaker.

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Eva Hsu, Founder, Senior Marketer Ripplr, Shanghai, China

Do women dominate social media use in China? Eva Hsu shares her insight. Eva Hsu is Founder and Senior Marketer at Ripplr, a boutique digit...

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