Khudania Ajay, Founder, KAJ Masterclass LIVE, New Delhi, India

 Today’s guest is Khudania Ajay, joining is from New Delhi, India.

Khudania Ajay is Host and Founder of The KAJ Masterclass. On a mission to help 100,000 Entrepreneurs achieve growth using Content Consulting. The KAJ Masterclass LIVE, receives Master’s from various fields and from whom Ajay´s  wide and varied audience can Profit, either through Insights, Information or simply Learning. Ajay produces shows almost daily. I had the pleasure and honor of participating in one of those Lives.

Ajay is also founder of Kautilya Media Networks in New Delhi, Providing crisis communication, reputation management, and media management advisory services to corporations.

Her Ajay sgares why he created KAJ Masterclass LIVE.  

Our listeners can find more about Khudania Ajay on 

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Manca Korelc, Author, LinkedIn by the Book, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Today’s guest is Manca Korelc Joining us again from Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Manca Korelc, LinkedIn Therapist Empowering B2B Companies Using Profiles & Pages to Build Brand , Helping persons Lose the Fear of Posting on LinkedIn and now Manca Korelc is the author of “LinkedIn bythe Book”, Everything you need to know before you dive into LinkedIn.

The book includes 12 modules, amazing cool tools, and tons of clip tips to guide you along the way. 

Find more about Manca Korelc on LinkedIn and

Ouça "Manca Korelc, Author, LinkedIn by the Book, Ljubljana, Slovenia" no Spreaker.

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