Kumbirai Chipadza, CEO DeutschConnect, Co Founder Kuchera Global, Berlin, Germany


Podcasting is Networking, connecting people from my studio in Brazil.

Today’s guest is Kumbirai Chipadza Founder and CEO DeutschConnect              joining us from Berlin, Germany.

Kumbirai Chipadza is the Ortel African Entrepreneur of the Year Germany 2022 and now the Co-Founder of Kuchera Global. Kuchera assists Mining Operators to optimize Transport efficiencies.

Give us an update of your latest endeavor Kuchera?

Thanks for sharing your time with our listeners who can find more Kumbirai Chipazda on LinkedIn and Kuchera Global at www.kucheraglobal.com

Termas de Ibira, Unique Health Tourism, Termas de Ibira, SP Brazil

 I´m Tom Reaoch, an American, known as the King of Networking, connecting people from my studio in Brazil.

Today is a special presentation which I would like to share. I RECENTLY RETURNED FROM A MONTH-LONG VACATION. Here in Brazil the month of January is the summer vacation, schools are out, therefore many persons plan vacations for this month. Many businesses also plan companywide vacations.

I took advantage to rest and relax at one of Brazil’s truly unique places. A small municipality called Termas de Ibira in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.  Ibira is known as the “Holy Ground”, “Capital of Health”. Known for the therapeutic use of the curative vanadic waters of Termas de Ibira.


Listen to a little of the history from the tourism folder offered by the Municipal Tourism Office.  https://www.instagram.com/turismoibirasp/    

Ouça "Termas de Ibira, Unique Health Tourism, Termas de Ibira, SP Brazil" no Spreaker.

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