Israeli Innovation, Nathalia Santos, Partner OurCrowd, Brazil

Today’s guest is Nathalia Santos, Partner at OurCrowd Brazil, Nathalia has been a guest previously on our Sister podcast In Portuguese BBN Brasil Business Network. Nthalia and I met last year In Sao Paulo at the OurCrowd Summit which launched OurCrowd in Brazil. Nathalia joins us today from her home office in Sao Paulo.
OurCrowd is a global venture investing platform with home base in Israel that empowers institutions and individuals to invest and engage in emerging companies. Istsrael is the world´s leader in innovation and at the summit last year I learned just how widely OurCrowd invests in innovation and startup development across a wide range of opportunities. Nathalia recently returned from Israel and tells tell us about her. visit.

Listen to "Israeli Innovation, Nathalia Santos, Partner OurCrowd, Brazil" on Spreaker.

Self-Esteem, Luciana Panteleiciuc, Founder Confidence Academy, Brazil.

Today’s guest is Luciana Panteleiciuc, Executive in Business Administration and Marketing, Founder of The Confidence Academy, a game changer in Mentoring and Coaching, she is talking with us from her office in São Paulo Brazil.
Luciana, you have your own company and work with many different types of clients in Brazil and we are going to talk about the professional reality for women in Brazil as executives, entrepreneurs and startups.
Your tips to women from other companies coming to work or do business in Brazil but also to Brazilian women working in Brazil.

Listen to "Self-Esteem, Luciana Panteleiciuc, Founder Confidence Academy, Brazil." on Spreaker.

Fight Prejudice, Marco Linhares, CEO Voix, Bullying Specialist.

 Today’s guest is:  Marco Linhares, Founder & CEO VOIX, "The Game to Fight Prejudice", Specialist in School and Workplace Bullying. Marco was a guest last year on Talk 2 Brazil and also our sister Podcast BBN Brasil in Portuguese. Marco and I met a year ago at Venture Hub an Innovation Hub in Campinas where Marco was developing Voix and I started the BBN Brasll Podcast. A year really passes very quickly, Since we first talked you travelled to Denmark and Silicon Valley in the US participating in the Singularity University, continued your development of VOIX, bring us up to date where are you with the project and development.? 
You can find more about Marco Antonio Linhares  on LinkedIn or his website .
Listen to "Fight Prejudice, Marco Linhares, CEO Voix, Bullying Specialist." on Spreaker.

Leadership, Political Participation, Amanda Neves, Brazil

Today’s guest is Amanda Neves, talking to us today from Campinas Brazil. Amanda was on our program last year and also a guest on our sister podcast BBN Brasil Business Network.
Amanda and I first met as members of an Amcham Campinas business group.
Amanda Neves is Brazilian and has many years’ experience: technology industry, pharmaceutical, medical device and cosmetic industry and start-up business in Brazil, Denmark, China, France and Canada.
Amanda holds a degree in pharmaceutical sciences, a master in Pharmaceutical Technology, an MBA in project Management and in Business Management. She is also Founder of the startup  a collaborative platform created to connect people who need to send a goods or products through people who are already going to the same destination.
Amanda is now studying to be a candidate for city council in upcoming municipal elections.
Amanda I´d like to talk about women in Government. You have experience in the world having lived in Denmark, China, France, and Canada as a businesswoman in multi-cultural environments.
A recent United Nations publication on  Facts and figures: Leadership and Political Participation unfortunately shows a great deficit for Women worldwide.
I see you are certified by  is that a Bootcamp for candidates?

Listen to "Leadership, Political Participation, Amanda Neves, Brazil" on Spreaker.

International Business Woman, Renata Thiébaut, Brazil, China, Canada.

Today’s guest is: Dr. Renata Thiébaut, a Brazilian living in China for over 14 years and talking with us today from Ottawa Canada.
Renata is head of Research and Business Intelligence at Web2Asia an award-winning Alibaba Tmall Partner Agency in Shanghai,. She is a Researcher for Harvard University, a Trainer & Board of Advisor Member at Alibaba Business School and a Professor of ECommerce at Emlyon Business School in Shanghai, China. She speaks Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
She shares her multicultural global view  for women in business as well as suggestions to women in career planning. How to be ready for change???

Listen to "International Business Woman, Renata Thiébaut, Brazil, China, Canada." on Spreaker.

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