Marcelo Knobel, Campinas, Brazil, Rector UNICAMP University


Marcelo Knobel is Rector of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas Unicamp, Marcelo has been at the University for over 25 years in several roles as a Professor, Dean and Rector and was also a student earning his bachelor’s degree and PHD in Physics.

Marcelo is a Member of the Technical Standard Committee IDCA- International Data Center Authority in Wasington, DC. IDCA was established to streamline, structure, educate and give direction to the information technology, data center and cloud industry.

Unicamp was founded in 1964 and is recognized as: One of the three best universities in Latin America, 

One of the top 100 universities in emerging economies. The Top Brazilian university in number of patents. 

The best in the country in the areas of Computer Science and Engineering and Technology for two consecutive years (2018-2019) .

2nd place in the ranking of the most entrepreneurial universities in Brazil according to Confederation of Junior Enterprises (Brazil)

4th place among the most sustainable universities in Brazil and among the 100 most sustainable in the world,

Marcelo knows the university inside and out and as leader have maintained the power of attraction for the University for the city and for the greater region of Campinas, attracting and creating academic, business and research opportunities. He shares :What do the next years look like in terms of growth and innovation? Where do you see the University and the region of Campinas?

Ouça "" no Spreaker.

Scott Dalgleish, Scottish Business Network, Edinburgh, Scotland

Scott Dalgleish is Head of Marketing at the ScottishBusiness Network, an independent international membership organization for Scottish entrepreneurs and business leaders. With a goal to facilitate greater communication and connectivity between the group of talented Scottish companies and a network of the leading Scottish diaspora around the globe. Scott has been a guest before, and it is always a pleasure to have him back.

Looking forward to 2021 and at the same time business challenges and opportunities how do you see that future for your members? Do you see a stronger outreach rom Scottish companies in the global market?

Ouça "Scott Dalgleish, Scottish Business Network, Edinburgh, Scotland" no Spreaker.

Steve Scheibe, All Abroad Consulting, San Diego, Predictions Brazil 2021


Steve Scheibe is managing Director of All Abroad Consulting, He is a Professor at National University in San Diego where he teaches International Business courses, He is also a Volunteer Mentor at InovAtiva Brasil, mentoring Brazilian startups seeking to grow business activities in North America.

 Steve has lived in Brazil and knows it well we´ve had a chance to meet here in Campinas at business events and where he is on the International Board of Advisors for   Hope Unlimited Cidade dos Meninos in Campinas.  

Steve, every year you make your forecasts regarding Brazil and to keep the tradition you recently published on your 11 predictions for Brazil 2021. 

Ouça "Steve Scheibe, All Abroad Consulting, San Diego, Predictions Brazil 2021" no Spreaker.

Andre Chaves, Co-Founder Future Hacker, Brazil

 Today’s guest is Andre Chaves talking with us from his office in Sao Paulo Brazil. 

Andre is Chief Growth Officer, Squadra Ventures, focused on Business Development of innovation and technology-driven projects; He is Strategic Advisor to bettrAds an AI Adtech SAAS Platform that empowers marketing teams to get more performance on their Ad campaigns and Founder of Leme Growth, helpings companies and startups in the technology, media, and communication segment to digital transformation and to identify innovative growth alternatives.

Andre is also a volunteer and co-founder of Future Hacker, exploring new paths, new discoveries, and new thoughts that should become reality in 10, 20, 30 years.

 The Global market has become one market, and probably in the next ten years we will see markets on other planets, as you see it “What is the outlook for 2021 tech driven projects in Brazil? “ Why should international companies and investors look here for opportunities?

Ouça "Andre Chaves, Co-Founder Future Hacker, Brazil" no Spreaker.

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