Renan Bandeira, Work from Anywhere, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, The World!


Renan Bandeira is a graduate of the Federal University of Ceara,in Computer Science, finished a Master´s degree In Computer Software Engineering in 2018.  In 2012 he was an exchange student at Universidad de Salamanca in Spain and in 2014 a Volunteer Experience in Social Service at CMF International in Mexico. There he met new people and tried to change students’ minds making them think about their Future! Renan was highlighted in a recent newspaper article aboutBrazilians working internationally without leaving Brazil. After reading the article I immediately invited Renan to connect on LinkedIn.

Renan, when you were in Mexico talking to students did you ever think that one day you would be sitting in Fortaleza and working for a company in Orlando and now in New York?

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