Stacey Webb, Author, The Intuitive Detective, Australia


 I´m Tom Reaoch, an American, known as the King of Networking and connecting people from my Podcast studio in Vinhedo, Brazil.

Today’s guest is Stacey Webb joining us from Australia. Stacey Webb, first and foremost an imperfectly perfect human being, an Intuitive Trauma Release Mentor, a Warrior of Grace and Award-Winning Author.  Speaker, and Multi- Award-Winning Author.  Her book “The Intuitive Detective” has just won two awards at the BookFest Awards in Los Angeles.

I first interviewed Stacey on my other podcast Café & Networking in April.

Stacey has made giant steps to success and tells us about the journey to here and future plans.

You can purchase a copy of her book and learn more about Stacey Webb or all major online bookstores.

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