Joao Jose San Martin, better known as "Joka" is currently serving as the vice president, human resources for the Alcoa Power and Propulsion, a global enterprise with $1.8 Billion in revenue and 25 operations in North America, Europe and Asia.
A native of Caçapava, SP, Brazil Joka attended the Executive MBA at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business - University of Michigan, received a Psychology degree from the University of Taubate and an Advanced Degree in Social and Labor Psychology from the Sedes Sapientiae Institute.
He has been living abroad since his first international transfer from Alphaville in the São Paulo region to San Antonio, Texas in 2000. In these 12 years in the US, his family has moved from Texas to Michigan and is now living in Hudson, OH.
Joka has been working for Alcoa for 28 years, having contributed to the majority of Alcoa's businesses, including Investment and Aluminum Castings, Extrusions, Flat Rolled Products, Plastic Packaging, Primary Metals and Electrical & Electronic Systems.
Joka has extensive Human Resources experience with international businesses. His international career started in the Plastic Packaging business where he was responsible to lead Human resources for the operations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela.
Joka is married to Rosana and has two children: João Victor and Ana Luiza. João Victor is at The Ohio State University studying Psychology and Ana Luiza will graduate from High School in 2013.