Rafael Fulton Fernandes, Diversity, Equality, Equity, Inclusion, Brazil, EU, US

 Today’s guest is Rafael Fulton Fernandes talking with us from Raleigh, North Carolina in the USA.

 Rafael Fernandes is a Brazilian, lived and worked in multiple countries, has developed global and multicultural relationships, achieving professional and academic success. Is a leader, over-achiever, dreamer, determined, goal-oriented and career-driven individual. His passions include Diversity, Equality, Equity and Inclusion. I first met Rafael as a high school student in Brazil when he participated in an event at Amcham Brasil here in Campinas.

Rafael, you finished high school in Brazil studied and worked in Germany then Studied and worked some more in the US, having finished BS degree at Penn State University.

 From your point of view how do you see Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Brazil, Europe and the US at schools and in the corporate world? 

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