Victoria Mendes, Books, Soccer, Business, Brazil, USA

 Today’s guest is Victoria Mendes talking with us from Lafayette, Louisiana in the United States.

Victoria and I connected a few days ago on LinkedIn and I have learned a lot about her in these few days.

 Victoria is from Campinas, where she studied, played soccer as an adolescent, through both the books and the ball, she received a full NCAA Scholarship to study and play University level soccer in the United States, recently graduated with a BS in Business Administration and Management, and started an MBA in Finance at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Victoria is also member of the Lafayette Women´s Chamber ofCommerce and President of Net Impact a volunteer student organization at UL to help local businesses assess their performance as it relates to civic engagement, social diversity, equity, inclusion, and sustainable business practices, she also works as a Graduate Assistant at the University.

You have had an extremely intense period in a foreign country, another language, studying, practicing, playing as a goalkeeper with the stress of knowing you are the last stop in front of the goal.

 How did you keep your head together? Did you ever relax?

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