Stuart K.P. Howard, Author of ‘X Factor for Generation Y’. Luxembourg

Stuart K.P. Howard, Author of ‘X Factor for Generation Y’. Luxembourg

Listen to the Talk 2 Brazil interview by Tom Reaoch with Stuart Howard on LA Talk Radio, Los Angeles,
Interview date Monday May 26, 2014 , click to listen and DOWNLOAD  from iTunes or Stitcher.
Stuart K.P. Howard BEng (Hons), Msc. Systems Manager for US based Global Automotive Supplier and author of ‘X Factor for Generation Y’. (Authority Press, 2013)
During his 20 years in management, Stuart has had various positions in large global companies and has benefited greatly from the management training programs they provide.  Born and raised in Scotland, Stuart has spent much of his career in Luxembourg where he now manages an international team of engineers and specialists, many of whom are Generation Y.
For the Generation Y, leaving school or university and trying to define a career in the corporate world can sometimes be daunting. Stuart provides valuable coaching and mentoring advice to the Generation Y who are seeking their first job, starting a new role, looking to move to their first management position or just want to improve themselves.

His recent book provides valuable insights, tools and techniques to help the Gen Y’er succeed and excel in the very demanding corporate world.
You can also follow Stuart Howard on Facebook.

“Displacement Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job”

Thomas Dowd, Professional Development and Coaching, Maine, USA

Listen to the Talk 2 Brazil interview by Tom Reaoch with Thomas Dowd , Original Show Date: May 19, 2014:
Click to listen and DOWNLOAD  on iTunes and Stitcher .
We´ll talk about finding another job! Have you ever heard “We’re downsizing”?
Thomas Dowd had over 24 years of experience in the financial industry in management and leadership roles at the same organization and a plethora of inconsistency on this professional journey, Tom received the call nobody wanted: “We’re downsizing.” After unexpectedly losing his full-time job, Tom landed in a better place in just 59 days using methods from his coaching and training. He is now a VP at one of the larger financial institutions in North America.
 In 2011, he started his own side business “Thomas Dowd Professional Development & Coaching” where he continues to use the lessons learned on his climb up the corporate ladder to help people creatively find ways to differentiate themselves in the workplace and to find their own individual paths toward success. The mantra is “Transform into who you really want to be.” Tom is the award-winning author of two books. “The Transformation of a Doubting Thomas: Growing from a Cynic to a Professional in the Corporate World,” details Tom’s own professional growth based on lessons learned in his career, which received Honorable Mention at the 2012 New England Book Festival. “From Fear to Success: a Practical Public Speaking Guide” won the Gold Medal at the 2013 Axiom Business Book Awards in the Business Reference Category. Both are available in book and eBook versions, while “Fear” is also available as an audiobook.
 His most recent book, derived from the unemployed stint, “Displacement Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job” was published by Motivational Press in March 2014.
 Tom Dowd is a loving father of three beautiful daughters and a devoted husband from a small town in Maine. He is a graduate of the University of Delaware with a Communication degree, concentrating on interpersonal and organizational communication. Tom is a prize-winning speaker, an award-winning author, trainer, and coach—all spurred by his need to be more than a painfully shy and introverted individual on a rollercoaster ride of success.
Tom is an active member in Toastmasters International, a group of 300,000 members worldwide looking to develop communication and leadership skills. Tom joined in 2008 thinking it was just a way to boost his résumé. It became a wonderful downhill spiral of failure. Whether it was a speech contest or a publisher’s rejection, Toastmasters pushed him beyond his comfort zone to find self-awareness, belief that he could make a difference and the motivation to take smarter steps toward success both personally and professionally.
What Tom found was a boost in confidence that changed the path of his life and career. In 2010-2011, he was awarded the District 45 Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year representing over 100 clubs in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and the three eastern most provinces of
Canada. Now exhibiting consistent speech contest success, Tom is the two-time reigning Table Topics District 45 champion for 2012 and 2013.
Additionally, he is a member of the National Speakers Association and the Global Speakers Federation.

Hala Moddelmog, President, Jorge Fernandez,VP Global Commerce, Metro Atlanta Chamber

Hala Moddelmog, President, Jorge Fernandez,VP Global Commerce, Metro Atlanta Chamber

Listen to the Talk 2 Brazil interview by Tom Reaoch with Hala Moddelmog, President and Jorge Fernandez, VP Global Commerce,  Monday May 12, 2014:
We talked about the Metro Atlanta Chamber recent visit to Brazil as part of the Atlanta Trade Delegation with City of Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed.

Hala Moddelmog became the first female president and CEO of the Metro Atlanta Chamber (MAC) in January 2014 following a long and successful career in the corporate and non-profit sectors. Prior to joining MAC, Moddelmog was president of Atlanta-based Arby’s Restaurant Group, an international quick-service restaurant chain with approximately 3,500 units and annual system-wide sales of approximately $3 billion. As president, Moddelmog led the brand to 12 consecutive quarters of comparable store sales increases and increased EBITDA by 80 percent from 2011 to 2012. Under her leadership, the team created a new brand positioning, launched new product platforms and new advertising campaigns and redesigned the logo. She led the brand revitalization with strategic marketing and operational initiatives that make the brand relevant to today’s consumers.

Jorge L. Fernandez, vice president of global commerce for the Metro Atlanta Chamber (MAC).

Jorge L. Fernandez leads the international investment recruiting arm of the MAC’s economic development division. Fernandez finds innovative ways to connect Atlanta area companies to international business growth opportunities, furthering Atlanta’s reputation as a top competitor in the global marketplace. 
Prior to joining MAC, Fernandez was the international and alliance vice president for Delta Air Lines at its world headquarters in Atlanta. His responsibilities encompassed all Caribbean, Latin American, Pacific and transatlantic operations, including airport customer service, finance, human resources, reservations and sales activities outside of the United States. In addition, he was charged with developing Delta’s alliance strategy, managing the SkyTeam global alliance and overseeing codeshare relationships with 16 partner airlines around the globe.

Hala Moddelmog and Jorge Fernandez

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed

Giovanna Sanches, Foreign Affairs Office Sorocaba
Cliff Hoskins, Hoskins Global Trade

Brazil Business Travel to Hit $37B in 2014

Brazil Business Travel to Hit $37B in 2014

Despite two quarters of weaker economic growth in 2013, business travel spending in Brazil is expected to expand 12.5% to $37 billion in 2014 and another 5.9% in 2015, according to the latest semi-annual “GBTA BTI Outlook — Brazil” report by the Global Business Travelers Association (GBTA) Foundation.
Sponsored by Visa Inc., the report includes the GBTA BTI — an index of business travel spending that distills market performance over a period of time.
“This forecast tells a story of continuing positive growth in Brazil despite recent volatility,” said Wellington Costa, president of GBTA Brazil. “The encouraging turnaround for international outbound business travel spending, paired with expected domestic growth as well, shows suppliers and travel managers that Brazil is a key market to be in for businesses expanding globally.”
According to the GBTA, key highlights of the report include:
  • Since 2000, annual spending on business travel in Brazil has tripled.
  • Last year, Brazil’s business travel industry moved up one spot in the rankings to become the eighth largest business travel market in the world. If Brazil can get economic growth back on track, GBTA expects it to continue to climb the ranks of the top business travel markets in the world, likely surpassing South Korea and France during the next 10 years.
  • Domestic business travel spending growth in Brazil has slowed significantly off its aggressive pace earlier in the decade, mostly due to the slowdown in the domestic economy. But GBTA expects domestic business travel spending will strengthen a bit in 2014, as firms and policymakers continue to take strides to boost productivity and competitiveness.
  • Growth in international outbound (IOB) business travel was hit hard in recent years mostly due to the external environment, but the worst appears to be in the past — as a recovery in the Euro Area, Brazil’s largest trading partner, is underway. GBTA expects IOB spending will advance 13.1 percent in 2014 followed by another 8.1 percent in 2015 hitting $7.2 billion USD.
“With the forecast for increased business travel to and from Brazil, travel will continue to be an important sector of the Brazilian economy,” said Percival Jatoba, vice president of products of Visa Brazil

Joao Conrado, CEO Ghetz Footware, London

Joao Conrado, CEO Ghetz Footware, London

Listen to the Talk 2 Brazil interview by Tom Reaoch with Joao Conrado, Monday May 5, 2014
Ghetz Footware was set up by Moema Pimentel, Managing Director, and Joao Conrado, CEO, both from Brazil. They identified a gap in the market for high quality yet sustainably made shoes at competitive prices.
Joao and Moema met in 1998 and formed a business partnership close to their roots as well as their hearts. Born in Franca, one of the shoe capitals of Brazil, they both have shoemaking in their blood. As natural entrepreneurs, they both have a very organic style of management and are open, friendly and flexible in business.
They established an office in London with a Ghetz team that is hands on and truly international, with people from South America, Europe, Asia and the UK. Such a multicultural melting pot brings diversity and a depth of experience resulting in a vibrant office culture.
Moema and her partner Joao started Ghetz Footwear in 2004. After just three years, their Anatomic & Co brand had become one of the top 10 brands selling men’s shoes to independent stores in the UK. It was shortlisted as ‘Brand of the year’ for the Drapers Footwear Awards in 2009 and 2010.
Moema is also a member of Vistage, UK .

ACIC Campinas Regional Retail Forum

On Tuesday April,19 2014 I was one of over 500 participants in the second annual Regional Retail Forum in Campinas, organized by ACIC Associação Comercial e Industrial de Campinas and CDL Campinas the Camara de Dirigentes Lojistas de Campinas

Adriana Flosi, President of ACIC and CDL opened the ceremony, welcomed the participants, guest speakers and authorities including the Mayor of Campinas Jonas Donizette and Brazilian Congress Member Guilherme Campos.

The guest speakers covered a wide variety of topics relating to retail industry, entrepreneurs and business owners with focus on challenges and opportunities for growth in the retail sector of Brazil.

In the morning session Mauricio Morgado, professor FGV and Gustavo Carrer of SEBRAE, SP showed tendencies and exaples from their visits to the United States and participation in the NRF Retail Show in New York.

Claudio Bobrow, founder of Puket offered a very colorful and invigorating presentation on the growth of his company.

Luiza Helena Trajano of Magazine Luiza talked of the great potential for growth in the consumer market in Brazil, the need for unity among members of the retail sector mentioning the gains made through the IDV Instituto para Desenvolvimento do Varejo.

At the lunch break I had the pleasure of sharing a table with two of the afternoon speakers, Dorival Dourado CEO of Boa Vista Servicos and Dr. Marcelo Schulman, President of Vita Derm Cosmetics

Other presentations in the afternoon session regarding challenges in family business and opportunities for growth were conducted by Mauricio Morlan, Santander Global Banking, Romeu Zema, Grupo Zema, Roberto Longo, Grupo Sonda and Isabel Medeiros Grupo Trigo / Spoleto.

Easy to see the Forum was both a great learning and networking experience.

Adriana Flosi , Presidint CIC Campinas,Welcome Ceremony

The Mayor of Campinas Jonas Donizette

Luiza Helena Trajano

Adriana Flosi

ACIC Campinas Staff

Marcelo Schulman, Vita Derm
Networking ACIC Campinas Retail Forum
Networking at the ACIC Campinas Retail Forum

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