Welcome to Talk 2 Brazil the Business Connection, a
leading Business Podcast about business in the world.
I´m Tom Reaoch,
an American, known as the King of Networking, connecting people from my Podcast
studio in Brazil.
Today’s guest
is Irina Castellano joining us from Sydney, Australia
Irina Castellano is Certified Coach, Speaker and accredited
Foster Carer, and Care Teacher, Community Services/Mental Health Facilitator
and Author of a chapter in the e book Elevate Your Performance.
Irina, there is a lot of talk about wellness and mental health today in business, as an authorized foster care provider dedicated to providing safe homes for vulnerable children, What are some of the trials, tribulations, and joy you have experienced on the foster and adoptive journey?
Listen to "Irina Castellano, Foster Care Coach, Speaker, Sydney, Australia" on Spreaker.